What is the “science has been wrong before” nonsense?

It a silly argument used when someone gets proved wrong by the actual evidence.

Yes, it is true that science has been wrong before. Science is a human endeavor, and as such, it is not infallible. Scientific theories and hypotheses are constantly being tested and refined, and sometimes, new evidence may lead to a revision or even a rejection of previously accepted ideas.

However, the scientific method is designed to minimize errors and biases as much as possible. The scientific method involves making observations, formulating hypotheses, designing experiments to test those hypotheses, and analyzing the results. Through this process, scientists aim to arrive at the most accurate and reliable explanation of the natural world.

When new evidence emerges that challenges current scientific thinking, the scientific community engages in a rigorous process of review, debate, and replication to determine the validity of the new findings. While scientific theories may change as new evidence emerges, the scientific process itself is designed to minimize errors and refine our understanding of the natural world over time.

Therefore, while it is important to acknowledge that science is not infallible, it remains the best available method we have for understanding the natural world and making informed decisions about health, medicine, and other aspects of our lives.

What is the “science has been wrong before” nonsense?

From Debunking Denialism: “Science Was Wrong Before!”

From Rational Wiki: Science was wrong before

From The Credible Hulk: The “Scientists Were Wrong” Gambit and the Science Denier’s Paradox

From The Credible Hulk: Incommensurability, The Correspondence Principle, and the “Scientists Were Wrong Before” Gambit

From The Credible Hulk: Science has been wrong before, therefore I can make up whatever bullshit I want.

From Skeptico: The appeal to “science was wrong before”

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